PrintMyFonts 19.1.5 Portable (x86/x64) [Multi/Ru]-
Версия программы: 19.1.5 Официальный сайт: www.sttmedia.com Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский и другие Лечение: не требуется Системные требования:
Описание: PrintMyFonts - программа для печати и экспорта шрифтов. Когда у вас в системе большое количество шрифтов (а чаще всего, при длительном использовании компьютера даже обычным пользователем, эта цифра ближе к 300), то ориентироваться среди них становится не очень просто. Возможности:Кроме того, иногда может возникать одна простая задача - подобрать подходящий шрифт. Безусловно, вы можете относиться к числу тех людей, которые либо используют только определенный набор шрифтов, либо профессионально занимаются дизайном и имеют на такой случай менеджеры шрифтов. Но, что делать обычным пользователям? К примеру, многие графические редакторы позволяют просматривать пробные строки для наборов шрифтов в выпадающих списках. Однако, такое представление имеет проблемы. Если вам нужно подобрать шрифт к уже готовому дизайну, например, к открытке, с известным заранее текстом, то сделать это можно только "на глаз", подбирая вроде бы подходящий шрифт и поочередно вставляя текст с каждым шрифтом. И, обычно, такой подход заканчивается на фразе "вот этот шрифт вроде как более или менее" после десятка метаний по списку. Но, есть способ гораздо легче организовать весь процесс - это программа PrintMyFonts.Программа очень проста в использовании. Все, что вам необходимо это выбрать необходимый список шрифтов (по умолчанию, в списке будут все шрифты), составить подходящую надпись, выбрать вариант экспорта (учтите, что по умолчанию экспорт настроен на принтер, поэтому вам необходимо изменить его на подходящий вариант, например, в файл JPG; или оставить как есть), а затем нажать кнопку "Export". После чего либо стартует печать, либо откроется диалоговое окно для выбора файла. Согласитесь, этот способ очень прост и удобен. Вы так же можете использовать и неустановленные шрифты, что особенно удобно, когда необходимо быстро оценить предлагаемые наборы шрифтов, без необходимости их предварительной установки. Кроме того, программа позволяет просматривать ваши сообщения для каждого из стилей. И это не только область "Preview". Хотя, тут автор программы пошел несколько странным образом, открытие большой области для написания и просмотра текста с текущим выбранным шрифтом осуществляется не по кнопке или же выбору пункта из меню, как это было бы ожидаемо, а по установке галочки рядом с пунктом "Show larger Box for Font Preview". Но, для небольшой и удобной программы это очень небольшой недостаток. Примечание: Если у вас установлен Microsoft Word, то знайте, что программа так же позволяет экспортировать фразу сразу в doc файл. Однако, если Word не установлен, то, при выборе Microsoft Word из списка, во время экспорта появится ошибка. Еще одним приятным сюрпризом было то, что Print My Fonts является портативной программой, так что вы всегда можете хранить ее на флешке и использовать в любой момент. Сайт разработчика и ссылку на скачивание PrintMyFonts вы можете найти по этой ссылке. Проверка на VirusTotal показала, что PrintMyFonts не содержит вирусов по мнению 57 антивирусов. Теперь, у вас всегда под рукой будет удобный инструмент для печати и экспорта ваших шрифтов в изображения. Изменения в версии 19.1.5:Export Directory (2018/12/10): Storage of the last export directory.Custom Columns (2018/12/08): In the file list for the font files, now, custom columns can be set by right-clicking. Font Tester (2018/12/05): Separate window to try a font. New Export Format (2018/08/13): DOCX for Microsoft Word. New Export Format (2018/08/13): Open Document Text (ODT) for LibreOffice or OpenOffice. New Language (2018/06/12): Italiano (Italian). Saving of window position and window size Особенности версииПортативная версия программы представлена разработчиком, работает без инсталляции на компьютер + файл настройки с предустановками для оптимальной работы программы (должен находиться в папке с запускаемой программой, при необходимости, можно сохранить свои настройки, сбросить настройки-всё опционально).Полное описание на английскомInformationName:Print My FontsLanguage:English, Deutsch (German), Dansk (Danish), Espanol (Spanish), Francais (French), Italiano (Italian), Nederlands (Dutch), Portugues do Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese), Русский (Russian), ???? (Simplified Chinese), more languages Portable:YesFile Size:1,4 MBDevelopment:2007 - 2019Last Update:05.01.2019System:Windows, Mac OS X, LinuxPrice:Pay as much as you want! This software can be downloaded for free and you can use it without any restrictions. Favours are asked for a donation. Please note our licence (freeware) for this product before you use the software. Introduction Perhaps you know it: With time, there is an unbelievably number of fonts collected on your computer and you are just looking for exactly the right one for your next invitation card in the gigantic assortment! Again and again you try out the one or other type, however, the software you are using does not give a good overview over them. Either you have to select the font cumbersomely to have a look at them or the dialog is much too small and you do not have any possibility to compare some fonts next to each other. To get an overview over all of these fonts, you can use the tool PrintMyFonts for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux by Stefan Trost Media. With this tool, it is possible to list all of your installed fonts as well as fonts from your hard drive or disk. You can display any sentence or single character written in the fonts of your choice, so that you are able to compare their looks. You can have a look at the list of font styles directly on your computer or you can print it via your printer or export the list in various file formats such as image (JPG, PNG or BMP), HTML Website, via a PDF printer as PDF or as DOCX-, ODT- or RTF-document that can be opened in Microsoft Word, Libre Office or OpenOffice. The best output format suitable for you depends on your purpose. For example, an image output can be used to show a font list on your website. It is completely in your hands, which fonts and font styles are used and which sentence or characters are printed. For example, it is possible to select or filter all font types coming into consideration for your document depending on the preview and to print the text that should be used in your document in exactly those fonts in order to compare them. By the way, you can filter your fonts directly through their name or even their font characteristics such as the character width (fixed monospace fonts or fonts having a variable width), the font type (sans serif fonts versus fonts with serifs) or the line weight. So, you can quickly reduce your selection when you are for example only searching for fonts with fixed width and serifs. Of course, it is also possible to print some characters or a sentence and the name of the font of all fonts available to be able to select the next fitting font directly from paper. You can use placeholders and of course, you can use any Unicode character in your output that you want to view in the fonts. Thus, the tool can also be used for checking whether some characters are available in a font or not and to show how these characters look like. This is important, because not every font contains all available Unicode character (see this page). A list of all supported font file formats as well as the export formats, can be found on the page formats. Download The tool can be downloaded for free on this page for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. PrintMyFonts is portable, you can use it directly and without installation. Help On this page, you can find a short introduction into the program PrintMyFonts. If you should be interested in an explanation of a specific function, you should have looked on the page functions. Your first Font List After you have started the program, you should see something like it is shown in the screenshot below this text. On the left, you can see a list of all fonts that are installed on your system. This is the list, that will be printed or exported later (of course, you can also filter this list). On the right, you can adjust some settings. For example, which text should be exported and in which export format. When you have the desired fonts in the list and when all settings are okay, you can click on the button "Export". With this, the export is executed. Schriftdrucker Screenshot Select and Filter Fonts If you only want to export specific fonts, there are two possibilities for you: You can select some fonts and the list and remove them by using the DEL key or the right mouse button. Or you can use the field "Filter" on the right. In this field, you can type multiple search terms separated by a comma or semicolon or you can use the minus sign in front of him to exclude the term from the search. Both possibilities can be used to reduce the list and accordingly only export or print the fonts that are left. Exported Text In the section "Which text should be written", you can determine which text should be outputted in the corresponding font and which text should be outputted in the uniform default font. Using the checkbox, it is possible to only write one of those text types into your list. You can use arbitrary characters or sentences for both texts and in both texts, you can use placeholders that I changed to an individual content depending on the font and the position within the list. For example, the placeholder %name% will be replaced by the name of the font and %num% will be replaced by the number of the font within the list. Choose Export Format The section "Which export formats would be used", you can specify whether the list of fonts should be printed or saved as image or document when clicking on "Export". In the menu "Settings > Export Print / Image / Document", you can change the default settings for each export format type. Fonts from Font Files Aside from the fonts installed on your system, with PrintMyFonts it is also possible to display fonts from font files that are not installed yet. Font files can just be dragged onto the application or you can use the button "Manage Font Files" to search folders or to remove fonts from the list again. Installation First you should download the program from the download page. The file is packed into a ZIP archive that you normally should be able to unpack with your computer. If you can not open the file, we recommend the free program 7-Zip which also can handle many other files. You can download this software from the page 7-zip.org for free. After you have unpacked the program, you can already use it. An installation is not required. If you nevertheless would like to make a shortcut for the program, simply click with the right mouse button on the icon and choose "make shortcut". You can move this shortcut to an arbitrary place on your computer. Language This application is offered in several languages. If the program is already supporting the language of your operating system, it will try to start with this language. You can also change and save your preferred language under "Settings > Language" every time during runtime. An overview of all supported languages can be found on the download page. If your language is not already supported, you can gladly participate in the translation. Features Simple operation: With only one mouse click, you are able to print your fonts. Nevertheless there are many other self explaining justifications available. Installed and saved Fonts: The fonts must not be installed to be displayed with this tool. Alternatively to a display of installed fonts, you can also choose folders with font files. So you can have a look at fonts before installing them or you can compare new fonts with your old ones. Preview: Without printing the font list and without saving the font list as file, it is possible to see all fonts directly within the application. The list in the program is showing the same text in the same formattings like the later export. Print: You can print the font list with your default printer or you can use the printer dialog to select an arbitrary printer installed on your system. So, it is possible, for example, to choose a PDF printer in order to export the font list as PDF document. Export as Image: Your list of fonts can also be saved as an image file in the formats BMP, JPG or PNG. If the resulting file is too large, the font list can automatically be divided to several separate files, so that also large font libraries can be stored. Export as Document: The font list can also be saved as DOCX, ODT or RTF document. You can open DOCX, ODT and RTF files in programs such as Microsoft Word, Libre Office or OpenOffice. Export as Website: It is also possible to export to the list as web page in the HTML format. Print only what you want: Besides printing all fonts you can also select only single ones and decide freely what is printed in this font: the name of the font, a numbering, a sentence and letters of your choice or everything, together. Filter for Font Styles: PrintMyFonts automatically categorizes your font collection into fonts with variable or fixed monospace character width, into fonts with serifs (Serif) or without (Sans Serif) or other variants as well as according to their line widths. With using the corresponding filter, you can automatically only show the font styles you are interested in. So, you can dynamically shrink the displayed selection according to your needs. For example, you can automatically create a list of all available thin fonts without serifs with fixed widths. Filter for Font Names: You can filter your fonts by using the field "Font Name Filter". Multiple search terms can be separated by a comma or a semicolon. If you want to exclude terms from the search, you can write a minus character in front of the term. Font Variants: You can print and compare all fonts in the variants regular, bold, italic and bold-italic. You can also include the same font in several variants within one list. Texts and Placeholders: For each font, you can define an arbitrary text that is written in the font and another text that is written in the default font. Within both texts, you can use placeholders, for example for the name of the font, the font style, a numbering or the file name. Placeholders and arbitrary other texts or characters can be mixed like you want. With this, for example, it is possible, to print out symbol fonts with their font name readable. You can find a list of all placeholders that are available here. Line Breaks: If you want to compare text or letters across multiple lines, you can use the wildcard <linebreak> in all text fields. For example, with the input ABC<linebreak>123 you can output two lines for all fonts: first the line "ABC", then the line "123". Line breaks are supported both in the programs font list as well as in all export formats. Pangrams: The program contains pamgrams from the languages English, German, Danish, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. These are sentences that contain all letters of the respective language. So you can directly judge and compare all letters of a font in the flow of text. Advanced Settings: There are many parameters that can be adjusted in the settings: The font size used in the application and in the export, the color of the font and background, the page margins of exported images or documents, the height of the page, the line distance and so on. Thus, it is possible to adjust the exports and the font list within the tool according to your needs. Unicode Support: The font printer is fully compatible with Unicode, which means that you can print any Unicode character in each font. Thus, it is possible, for example, to display different character sets, or to look up to see if your font contains all glyphs for arbitrary Unicode characters, because there can not be a glyph for each Unicode character in a single font file (look here). Formats: All common font formats like ttf, otf, fon, fnt, fot, ttc, mmm, pfb and pfm are supported by PrintMyFonts. For a detailed overview, you can have a look at the page formats, where there are explainations of this file formats. Windows, Mac OS X and Linux: Take the system of your choice. PrintMyFonts is available for Windows as well as for Mac OS X and Linux. Freeware: This tool is completely free for you, you are able to use it unreserved and pass it on. System Compatibility: It does not matter what system you are using. PrintMyFonts comes in versions for Windows, Linux and MacOS. No installation: The program works without installation. This spares your Registry and you can immediately use it. Formats The following font formats can be displayed with the tool PrintMyFonts. When searching folders for fonts, the tool will search for this list of file extensions. TrueType Font (*.ttf): Raw TrueType files. OpenType Font (*.otf): PostScript OpenType font files. Generic Font File (*.fon): Font resource files. Windows Font File (.*fnt): Raw bitmap font files. Installed TrueType Font File (*.fot): TrueType resource files. True Type Font Collection (*.ttc): TrueType font collection files of East Asian Windows. Multiple Master Font Metrics (.*mmm): Multiple master Type1 font resource files. This file must be used with .PFM and .PFB font files. Printer Font Binary File (*.pfb): Type1 font bits files. This type of file is used with a .PFM file. Printer Font Metrics File (.*pfm): Type1 font metrics files. This type of file is used with a .PFB file. The font list can be exported in the following formats: Printed Text: By using your standard printer or an arbitrary other printer that is installed. Image: The output can be written on an image in the formats JPG, PNG or BMP. DOCX-Document: PrintMyFonts can save your font list directly to the DOCX format, the default format of Microsoft Word. ODT-Document: Also an export to the format OpenDocument Text is possible. ODT-documents can be opened, for example, with Libre Office or OpenOffice. RTF-Document: PrintMyFonts is able to create RTF documents of your font list that can be opened and edited for example in programs such as Microsoft Word or OpenOffice. HTML: It is also possible to save the font list as HTML Website. PDF: With an PDF printer installed, you can create a PDF document with your fonts. Printer Formats: If you have installed other printers, like Post Script Printers, you can also generate an output by using this machine. Placeholders Within the text written in the corresponding font as well as within the text written in the default font, next to normal characters, also some placeholders can be used. Those placeholders will be replaced by what they stand for when exporting or printing the list according to the corresponding font or position in the list. Placeholders can be combined with arbitrary other characters. Currently, the following placeholders are available: Placeholder Meaning %name% Name of the corresponding Font %num% Numbering within the list %abs% Total number of fonts in the list %style% Style of the Font, for example bold or italic %filename% File Name of the Font %filepath% File Path of the Font %format% Format of the Font such as TTF <linebreak> Line Break / New Line Functions In this list you can find all functions of the tool Print My Fonts. The functions are ordered by the occurence in the software. If you want to get an introduction to the software, please go to the help section. Main Window Main Window - Menu Settings Manage Font Files Main Window On the left side of the main window, you can see the current font list. On the right side, you can see some options regarding display and export. On the bottom right you can see the button "Export" which can be used to start the export. Font List: In this list, all fonts are displayed, which are currently installed on your computer on which are loaded from font files. Always those fonts are printed or exported which are currently in this list. So, if you only want to export a print a specific selection of fonts, you have to remove the other fonts from the list. You can do that with using the filter field rights to the list or with selecting some fonts from the list and pressing the DEL key. If you keep the CTRL key pressed, you can also select multiple font files at once in order to delete them. If you right click the list, it is also possible to remove all selected or not selected funds from the list. So, with this it is possible to only show and export a custom selection of fonts. Which Fonts should be shown > Installed System Fonts: With activating this option, in the font list, all fonts will be displayed, that are currently installed on your computer. Deactivate this option if you only want to show fonts from files. Which Fonts should be shown > Fonts from Font Files: With this option, it is possible, to display fonts that are currently not installed on your computer and that are available as file (for example TTF file). The font files can just be dropped onto the program or you can manage them via the button "Manage Font Files". Which Fonts should be shown > Manage Font Files: Opens the window for managing the font file. More about that in the section Manage Font Files. Which Fonts should be shown > Font Name Filter: Using this field, you can filter your current font list. If this field remains empty, all fonts will be displayed in the list. If you type a search term into the field, only the fonts containing this term will be listed (independent from uppercase and lowercase writings). Multiple search terms can be separated by a comma or semicolon from each other. If you start a search term with a minus sign, this term will be excluded from search and only the fonts not containing this string will be shown. Which Fonts should be shown > Font Style Filter: With this button, you can open the settings for the font style filter. With this filter, you can filter your font list according to characteristics such as type (serif, sans serif, others), line weight and character width (fixed or variable width). Just check all checkboxes indicating the characteristics you want to include into your list. Which Text should be written: In this section, you have the possibility, to define two texts for your font list and to activate or deactivate those texts via the checkbox independent from each other. The text that can be defined under "Text written in the Font" will be displayed in the font list written in the corresponding font. Apart from that, the text written in default font will be written in the same uniform font for each entry of the list. Within those texts, you can use arbitrary characters - even Unicode Characters - and you can use the following placeholders like you want: %name% (name of the font), %num% (numbering within the list),% abs% (total number of all fonts in the list), %style% (style of the font, for example bold or italic), %filename% (filename of the font), %filepath% (filepath of the font), %format% (format of the font such as TTF) and <linebreak> (inserts a line break if you want to write a text over multiple lines) (list of all placeholders). Which Export Format should be used: Here, you can select, which format should be used for exporting the font list. "Print" opens the printer dialog, so that you can print via one of your installed printers. This might be a physical printer as well as another printer such as a PDF or PostScript printer. If you would like to save the list as image, you can select one of the image formats BMP, JPG or PNG. Otherwise, it is also possible to create an HTML webpage with the fonts or to export as RTF document. RTF documents can be opened and edited, for example, with Microsoft Word or OpenOffice. You can find the settings regarding the specific export formats in the menu "Settings". Which Export Format should be used > Opened file after creating: If this option is activated, the exported file will be immediately opened using the corresponding system application directly after the file has been created if possible. Export: This button starts the export in the selected export format. Generally, all fonts will be exported that are currently listed in the font list at the left side of the main window. Furthermore, the texts that are currently entered on the right side of the main window will be used. You can find the settings regarding the specific export formats in the menu "Settings". Main Window - Menu File > Export as: Opens a dialog from which it is possible to select an export format and to start the export process. This function is equal to selecting a format from the main window and click on the export button in the main window. Font List > Reload: Loads all the fonts on your system or a selected folder to the font list again. This feature can be used if you wish to have the fonts back into the list, you have deleted before. Font List > Remove Selected: Deletes the item or items from the list, that are currently selected. This makes it possible to create an output of only a selection of fonts. Font List > Remove Not Selected: This function makes it possible to delete all fonts from your list that are currently not selected. Sometimes it is easier to go this way than the other one. Font List > Manage Font Files: Opens the window in which you can manage fonts from files. This window is explained in the section manage font files. Font List > Settings: Opens the settings regarding the function. The explanation can be found in the description about settings. Settings: The settings are explained in the section settings. Information: Here you can find some links for the software, such as the online help and you can get other information for the license and the program and a little help section. Settings You can show the settings by going to the menu "Settings" from the main window. Font Style Filter > Type / Line Weight / Character Width: Type (serif, sans serif, others), Line Weight (thin, average, thick) and Character Width (fixed width or variable width) are categories in which PrintMyFonts is automatically sorting all of the currently loaded fonts. With the font style filter you can determine which fonts should be displayed in your list. By default, all available categories are activated, so that all fonts will be displayed. Remove one or more of the hooks for removing the categorized fonts from your list respectively check the corresponding checkboxes to show them again. Font Style Filter > Font Variants: Here, you can define the font variants (regular, bold, italic and bold italic) that should be displayed in the font list. You can select one or more variants. If you have selected multiple variants, these variants are displayed under each other in the list, so that it is also possible to compare different variants from the same font with each other. The font variant can be displayed within the printed texts with using the placeholder %style%. Font Style Filter > Options > Show Pangrams of all languages: Pangrams are sentences containing all letters of a language. An English pangram, for example, is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.". With the option "Show Pangrams of all languages", pangram phrases from the languages English, German, Danish, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish are displayed as suggestions in the list "Text written in the Font". If this option is not activated, only English language pangrams (letters A-Z) and the currently selected language of the program (Settings > Language Settings) are displayed. Font List: Here you can find the settings regarding the font list, that is displayed within the program. For example, it is possible to set the background color of the list or the font size and font color of the text written in the corresponding font or the default font. Font List > Default Fonts: If you want PrintMyFonts to load specific fonts automatically with starting the program, you can use this function. In the field, you can define multiple fonts and folders with the character | as separator. The specified folders will then be searched for font files at startup. For example, you can define "C:\My Fonts|C:\Folder\Font.ttf|F:\Fonts" for automatically loading the font "Font.ttf" as well as all fonts from the folders "My Fonts" and "Fonts" when starting the application. Export Print: On this tab, you can find all settings that are applied when printing the font list. Here you can adjust the font size, the line spacing and the color of the text for both, the text written in the font and in the default font as well as the page margins of the printed page. All values regarding the line spacing and the page margins are stated in centimeters. Export Print > Wrap Long Lines: Use this option to specify whether long lines that extend beyond the page margin should be wrapped into a new line at the page border or if those lines should run out of the paper. Export Print > Print Fonts as Image: If this option is activated, a font to be printed will first be written to an image within the program and this image will then be forwarded to the printer. If the option is deactivated, the font is written directly to the printer and the rendering of the font is left to the printer. This option was introduced because some printers were unable to handle some fonts and this could lead to a cancellation of the print. This type of abort should be counteracted with activation of this option. When printing to a physical printer, enabling or disabling this option should not affect the quality of the printout. When using a PDF printer, however, there are differences: If fonts are printed as an image, the resolution of the fonts is limited compared to embedded fonts and depends on the PDF printer settings. Also, the font in the resulting file can not be marked as text when this option is active. Export Image: On this tab, you can find all settings regarding the export as image. Separated by the text written in the font and the text written in the default fonts, you can specify the font size, the line spacing and the font color. Additionally you can determine which background color and which margins should be used for the image. All line spacing and margin values are specified in centimeters. In the options, it is possible to specify a limit for the maximum number of fonts written to one single image. If there are more fonts in your list than this number, accordingly, multiple images will be created. Export Document: On this tab, you can find all settings regarding the export as document, that is for example when you want to export your list as RTF document or HTML website. Here, you can specify separated by the text written in the font and text written in the default font, which font size, line spacing and font color should be used. Apart from that, you can also determine the background color, width and height as well as the margins of the page and whether the page should contain page numbers or not. The specifications regarding of the line spacing, the width, the height and the page margins are specified in centimeters. Depending on the kind and type of document, not all of the specifications are applied. For example, when exporting as one HTML page, page numbers would make no sense. System Integration: Here you can find some settings for linking files with the program or for configuring the Auto Start. You can find more information about that in the help section about System Integration. Language: Here you can change the language of the tool. With the button "Save Language", you can store the selected language, otherwise, the program is trying to start with the language of your operating system. If your desired language is not available, you can gladly help to translate. Save: Here you can save your settings or the profiles for your settings. More information about this, you get on the information page about storing settings. Manage Font Files You can show the window "Manage Font Files" via the menu "Font List > Manage Font Files" or with clicking the button "Manage Font Files" in the main window. In this window, all of the files currently loaded in PrintMyFonts are listed. With this, you get the possibility to display fonts in PrintMyFonts that are not installed on your computer at the moment. In order to add font files to the application, you have three possibilities: Either you just drag and drop the files onto the program or you can use the buttons "Add Files" or "Search Folder" in order to add single files or to search entire folders for font files. After adding, the files will be displayed in the list of the window "Manage Font Files". With clicking on "Remove All", you can remove all fonts from the list and with that also from the font list visible in the main window. If you only want to remove individual files, you can select the file of the list and press the DEL key to remove it. When adding fonts from files, the file extensions TTF, OTF, FON, FNT, FOT, TTC, MMM and PFM are allowed and accordingly filtered during adding. An overview over all of these file types can be found on the page formats. In the text for the font list, you can use the placeholders %filepath% and %filename% in order to write a reference to the font files into the list. Screenshot Here you can see screenshots of PrintMyFonts. On the left side of the main window, you can see your fonts, on the right side, you can determine which fonts should be displayed, which text should be written and which export format should be used. After you have selected your desired export format, you can click on the button "Export" in order to print or save as file your current font list. Under "Which text should be written", you can define both, text to be written in the corresponding font and/or text that should be outputted in the default font. In the screenshot, we can see the default settings: We are outputting the text "Example Text" with using the font and we are outputting the name of the font using the default font. You can enter arbitrary sentences, letters, some placeholders and other characters here, of course also Unicode characters. Filter and Font Variants The next screenshot is showing the possibility to compare several font variance with each other, to use filters and to adjust the text. In the settings under "General" you can define the font variants that should be listed. For this screenshot, we have selected the variants Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold-Italic. Additionally, we have activated the filter to only display a specific selection of fonts. Multiple search terms can be separated by a comma or semicolon or you can preface a term with a minus sign in order to exclude this word from search. We have also adjusted the texts for our screenshot. On the one hand, we have written the letters from a to p to be printed in the corresponding font, on the other hand, we are using the placeholders %num% (numbering), %name% (name of font) and %style% (font variant) as a subtitle. The placeholders can be combined with other characters or words like you want and you can use them in both fields (more about placeholders). |
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