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Dolby Media Encoder 3.4.0 Portable by AlekseyPopovv [En] - Версия программы: 3.4.0
Официальный сайт: Dolby Laboratories, Inc
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лечение: не требуется (инсталлятор уже пролечен)
Системные требования:
Dolby Media Encoder - это официальный кодировщик Dolby, который поддерживает кодирование Dolby Digital (AC-3), Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3), Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Atmos, AC-4. Программа предлагает многофункциональный пользовательский интерфейс, который позволяет пользователю легко настраивать и кодировать исходный аудиофайл. Кроме того, программа поддерживает добавление заданий кодирования в очередь для пакетной обработки (до 7-ми заданий).

Что нового:

Dolby Media Encoder v3.4

What's new
• Enabled Time base selection in batch encoding mode.
• Added embedded timecode support for encoding Dolby Atmos input type into Dolby Digital Plus for Blu-
• Added an option to manually select ports for client-server communication (Dolby Media Encoder →
• Introduced an upgraded version of The Dolby AC-4 immersive stereo encoder.
• Updated available data rates for Dolby AC-4 immersive stereo:
• 72 and 112 kbps have been removed.
• 96 and 128 kbps have been added.
• Introduced improvements in client-server communication.
• Moved the configuration of the number of simultaneous encoding jobs to Server → Settings.
• Introduced user-interface enhancements, including:
• The addition of a server status indicator icon in the lower-left corner of the GUI
• Various CSS enhancements
Important bug fixes
• The following UTF character handling issues have been fixed:
• Encoding a Dolby Atmos input located in a folder containing UTF characters in its name was not
supported on Windows.
• The application may have not been able to execute the encoding properly on Windows if the user
name contains UTF characters.
• Trims were not preserved for Dolby TrueHD when the Legacy authoring tools compatibility option was
disabled. This issue has been fixed.
• Dolby Surround mode handling has been added for these encoders: Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital for Online
Media and Dolby Digital for Blu-ray. The value is for the Dolby Surround mode is determined
automatically based on the selected Preferred stereo downmix and Downmix type values.
Known issues
• Dolby Media Encoder does not support file paths that include a colon. When a colon in a file path is
detected, Dolby Media Encoder returns a nonintuitive error message. In a future release, a more
meaningful error message will be provided.

Dolby Media Encoder v3.3

What's new
• Support for Windows computers
• Seamless encoding: a new functionality for encoding tracks with seamless transitions that includes:
• Support for Dolby Atmos input
• Support for Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby AC-4 immersive stereo outputs
• A dialog box to manage the track list (reorder, remove, or readd tracks), and view track details
• New control for switching between encoding modes: single-input encoding, batch encoding, and
seamless encoding
• Enhancements for the number of simultaneous encodes:
• The number of simultaneous encodes now applies to the jobs across all of the queue.
• The maximum and default number of simultaneous encodes is calculated based on the processing
capabilities of the computer.
• User interface enhancements, including a new color scheme and button shapes
Important bug fixes
• Important quality improvements in the Dolby AC-4 encoder
Known issues
• UTF character handling:
• Encoding a Dolby Atmos input located in a folder containing UTF characters in its name is not
supported on Windows.
• The application may not be able to execute the encoding properly on Windows if the user name
contains UTF characters.
• In rare cases on macOS systems, when attempting to quit the application from the top menu by clicking
Dolby Media Encoder > Quit Dolby Media Encoder (or Command+Q), it may become unresponsive. When
this happens, the X button in the upper-left corner of the application window should still allow you to
close the application.

Dolby Media Encoder v3.2

What's new
• Batch encoding functionality that allows the user to quickly configure encoding of multiple inputs of the
same type that you want to encode using the same encoding settings
• Support for 16-, 12-, and 10-channel-based immersive inputs:
• 16-track interleaved WAV in a 9.1.6 channel configuration (L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs, Lrs, Rrs, Lw, Rw, Lfh, Rfh,
Ltm, Rtm, Lrh, Rrh)
• 12-track interleaved WAV in a 7.1.4 channel configuration (L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs, Lrs, Rrs, Lfh, Rfh,Lrh, Rrh)
• 10-track interleaved WAV in a 5.1.4 channel configuration (L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs, Lfh, Rfh, Lrh, Rrh)
• Support for reading start timecodes from WAV files that include timecode information
• Support for channel-based inputs with a sample rate of 96 kHz for encoding to Dolby Digital and Dolby
TrueHD outputs
• Legacy authoring tools compatibility parameter added to the Dolby TrueHD output settings in the Dolby
Atmos presentation section
• Added the option to configure the number of simultaneously running encoding jobs (available from the
top menu under Dolby Media Encoder → Preferences)
• Improvements to the Encoding range options:
• Added Initial start value setting that allows configuring whether the FFOA is taken into consideration
when calculating the Start timecode
• Absolute time option under the Time base setting renamed to Source timecode
For the application overview and installation instructions, please refer to
Important bug fixes
• Fixed the local host name issue that triggered the error: This computer's local hostname <hostname>
is already in use on this network.
• Fixed incorrect handling of input files that contain a double space in the file name. (Selecting an input file
with a double space in the name returned the error: Directory /path/to/file does not exist.)
• Fixed an issue where due to an internal rounding error some timecodes were rejected by the application
and replaced by subsequent timecodes.

Dolby Media Encoder v3.1

What's new
• Dolby Digital Plus for Blu-ray encoding (extension .eb3)
• Dolby AC-4 immersive stereo encoding (extension .ac4) from Dolby Atmos and 5.1 channel-based input
The availability of this feature is license dependent.
• MP4 output for Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus (online media), and Dolby AC-4 immersive stereo
• Added option to save encoder settings to a file and load settings from a file (Dolby Media Encoder →
Encoder settings → Save/Load)
• New user's guide with application overview and parameter description available within the application
(Help → User's guide)
Important bug fixes
• Fixed the Dolby TrueHD workflow when remote storage is used
• Fixed the compatibility issue for macOS Sierra 10.12 and macOS High Sierra 10.13
• Fixed the user permission issue when using remote storage

Dolby Media Encoder v3.0

What's new
• While marked as version 3.0, technically this is a new product that inherits the name after a legacy
product. For this reason, the release notes will use version 3.0 as the starting point.
• Supported input formats:
• Dolby Atmos master file set (extension .atmos or .damf)
• Dolby Atmos Audio Definition Model Broadcast Wave Format (ADM BWF) (extension .wav)
• Material Exchange Format (MXF) with immersive audio bitstream essence (extension .mxf)
• A multichannel WAV file (extension .wav)
• A set of mono-channel WAV files (extension .wav)
• Supported output formats:
• Dolby Digital bitstream
• Dolby Digital Plus bitstream (online media flavor)
• Dolby TrueHD within a Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP) bitstream
• For the description of control parameters, please refer to the documentation available within the
application (About window).

Дополнительная информация:

После запуска программы ждём связи с сервером. В левом нижнем углу программы "вилка" должна стать зелёного цвета.

Особенности Portable:

  • Особенности:
  • Тип: распаковка
  • Язык: Английский
  • Вырезано: LICENSE.electron.txt, LICENSES.chromium.html
  • Активация: не требуется
    Ключи командной строки:
  • Тихая распаковка: /S
  • Создать ярлык на «Рабочем столе»: /L
  • Выбор места распаковки: /D=Путь
  • Пример: Dolby_Media_Encoder_3.4_Portable.exe /S /L /D=C:\DolbyMediaEncoderPortable

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