Что нового
New Features
Queries can now target the .NET 7.0 preview. The EF Core drivers have also been updated to support the EF Core 7 preview.
You can now play with the latest experimental C# 11 features: go to Edit | Preferences > Query and enable Use C# Preview Features and Use Roslyn Daily build.
You can now define a static ToDump method in any query (not just in My Extensions). This also includes queries that you #load: each can have its own static ToDump method.
You can now call Util.WithStyle on numeric values without losing right-aligned formatting and automatic graphing in tables. There's also a new Util.WithCssClass method to specify a CSS class.
The maximum editable length for text fields in SQL databases (when editing data interactively) has been increased to 60,000 characters.
The NuGet Package Manager Source Settings dialog now lets you specify an authentication type. Specifying Basic forces basic authentication, which improves reliability when connecting to Azure Devops feeds with a Personal Access Token. There's also a new option to use default Windows credentials.
The Find dialog now works with SQL translation text, too. Just focus the control and use the standard menu options or shortcut keys (Ctrl+F, F3, Shift+F3 and Ctrl+I).
A memory leak when working with F# queries has been fixed.
An error when generating typed data contexts that include C# keywords - for users in countries with non-English A-Z letter ordering - has been fixed.
LINQPad has been hardened against intermittent errors in the WebView2 (Edge Chromium) engine.
A bug where DumpContainers and Tasks sometimes failed to update in inactive queries has been fixed.
A race condition in Util.HtmlHead.AddScriptFromUri that could result in empty output has been fixed.
The LINQ-to-SQL connection option to include system objects now works with the master database as well.
Grouped observables with compound keys now display correctly when dumped.
A focus management issue with the latest WebView2 results rendering engine has been fixed.